For Parents

Children’s Passion & Childhood Development

Peace Siriapaipan
November 15, 2022
For Parents

When your child is genuinely passionate about something, they are more motivated to learn. Even when it gets complicated, they will persevere and develop problem-solving skills. Children can be passionate about one subject or more - notice what they gravitate towards. There are many subjects that your child could take an interest in, and here are 5 tips for identifying them.

Identify your kid’s talents in 5 easy steps:

  1. Challenge them: Encourage your child to explore the areas where they aren’t as skilled.
  2. Encourage their creativity: According to experts, there are numerous reasons for your youngster to learn to play a musical instrument. There’s a potential that some of them would recognise their interest is creative (1).
  3. Assist them with homework: Passions can manifest themselves in various ways. You might uncover a less typical passion for your youngster by supporting them with their assignments.
  4. Communication: Children require face-to-face engagement with their parents. Maintaining an open line of communication is essential.
  5. Watch a film: Find family-friendly movies to watch together, keeping your child’s age in mind. You’ll notice the film they prefer, which could reflect their overall interests.

These 5 simple steps will allow you to gradually discover your child’s passion and enhance your connection, communication and relationship between parents and children. As mentioned, music is an effective way to trigger children’s activities and creativity - discover more about music and childhood growth below!

Music and children’s growth

Music has stayed with us since we were born. As babies, we listened to lullabies. As teenagers, we all had the phase of making our playlist. As adults, we listen to music everywhere we go, whether it’s on a train, in the car or at the airport. Some of us know music as background noise, but many make a career or a hobby out of it.

Childhood musical experiences can accelerate brain development, especially in language acquisition and reading skills. Playing an instrument can also improve mathematical learning and increase SAT scores (2). However, academic achievement isn’t the only benefit of music education! Music ignites children’s development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. In addition, music helps sync the mind and the body - and exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words better (3).

Preparing your child for the future

Many parents always have their children’s future at the back of their minds - ‘what will they learn at the university level’, ‘what will be their future career’ and more. We relate to this, as we know the importance of preparing children for a more competitive future market. You may not be 100% sure of the future, but you can always prepare for it!

Apart from providing an all-in-one platform for online music education, SYNKii provides your child with the option to obtain a globally recognised qualification. Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation in England), a mark of quality - displaying the learners achieving the rules and requirements with effective operational delivery for their assignments. Every Ofqual regulated qualification is assigned a Level and possesses Credit Value - which indicates the estimated amount of time a learner will need to prepare for a qualification. The credit value is 1/10th of the total qualification time (TQT) which consists of guided learning hours and any further study time required.

MTB Instrumental Grades 6-8 are eligible for UCAS points which are equivalent in value to the other Ofqual regulated music boards. Additionally, UCAS Tariff points translate qualifications and results into a numerical value - depending on the qualification size, and the result you achieved. This numerical value can be applied in further education and even overseas institutions (4).

Ultimately, the qualification displays the child’s will and determination to accomplish their assignments and complete the curriculum. Additionally, this automatically gives our young learners a competitive advantage in the long run - whether it’d be college application or further education abroad. Book a demo class today and experience SYNKii for yourselves!

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Co-founder of SYNKii.
Also a bass/composition teacher.

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